Script Reaction: Professional Web Design, Custom Websites, Mobile Development and Data Management in London, Ontario, Canada. PHP Programming by Kevin Biskaborn.

Ivey Eye Institute Web Site

The Main Referral Centre for Eye Disease in Western Ontario

The Ivey Eye Institute is the main referral centre for eye disease in Western Ontario and is committed to excellence in patient care, education and research.

To fulfill that commitment, the Institute needed a web site that was accessible, intuitive, and informative for both patients and physicians.

The site would need to be maintained by the department secretaries and doctors - all who have limited time to learn a complicated computer system, let alone code.

Script Reaction's content management system, Admin Area, was the ideal solution allowing the quick and easy updating of web site content without requiring advanced computer knowledge and without having to edit a single line of code.

The Ivey Eye Institute is regularly posting schedules, news articles, staff updates and much more all on their own time and computer systems.

Ivey Eye Institute

London, Ontario, Canada

Project Details
Ivey Eye Institute
Deliverables:  Web Site and MySQL Database
Technology Used:  Script Reaction's Admin Area, PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Current Status:  Maintained using Admin Area; on-going development.

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